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SAA7131/SAA7131E pdf datasheet

  • 资源大小:333
  • 上传时间:2021-08-29
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:22次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: SAA7

资 源 简 介

The SAA7131E combines a digital global standard low-IF demodulator for analog TV witha PCI audio and video decoder.The IF demodulator is an alignment-free digital mulTIstandard vision and sound low-IFsignal PLL demodulator for posiTIve and negaTIve video modulaTIon. It can be usedworldwide for M/N, B/G/H, I, D/K and L/L’ standards. The IF demodulator is especiallysuited for the application with the TV Silicon Tuner TDA18271, TDA8275A or equivalentIC.