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集成微控制器使太阳能微型逆变器设计成本有效   微逆变器提供的太阳能收集在个人面板提供电源转换的一种有效的解决方案。高度集成的MCU的出现提供了微逆变器的设计一个有吸引力的方法,提供一个选项,降低了复杂度,限制了微逆变器广泛应用在过去的成本。今天,设计师可以使用包括飞思卡尔半导体,英飞凌芯片技术,飞索半导体制造商提供的MCU构建高效的微逆变器的设计,德克萨斯文书,其中。   太阳能收集系统继续从传统的集中式解决方案发展(图1)。不同于基于一个单一的中央逆变器甚至多组串逆变器系统,微逆变器转换功率从一个单一的面板。反过来,通过对每个面板的微逆变器产生交流电源相结合,在输出到负载。      Figure 1: Solar-energy-harvesTIng methods conTInue to evolve from central-inverter systems (left) to more distributed string-inverter systems (middle), and finally microinverters (right) built into individual panels. (Courtesy of Freescale Semiconductor)   By generaTIng AC power on each solar panel, the microinverter approach reduces or eliminates costs associated with expensive cabling, cooling, and other facility requirements associated with central- or even string-inverter systems. At the facility level, losses in overall conversion efficiency due to differences in illuminaTIon, shading, dirt, or panel age are greatly reduced. Although the use of microinverters increases the cost of an individual panel, the solar installation overall typically has lower costs and higher-conversion efficiency.