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企业中的智能照明   在商业照明系统的设计和实施中,日光收集变得越来越重要。能够将来自窗户的自然光与灵活、可控的照明光源结合起来,有助于改善工作环境,减少能源开支。   能够对商业环境中的照明系统进行更严格的控制是这项战略的关键因素,而能量收集可以发挥重要作用。能够灵活放置商业照明系统的控制垫是一个重要的要求,因为随着现有客户的增长和需求的变化,新的客户有了新的要求,办公空间将定期重新配置。   日光采集是一种哲学的照明系统在自然光线从窗户的设计只是在合适的地区也使用适当的灯,卤素射灯照亮黑暗的角落和荧光灯为开阔的地方,低能量的LED灯泡在工作区。所有这些都可以通过传感器网络和无线链路来控制,这些网络可以通过控制盘或者由可以连接到公司网络的中央应用程序来控制。该控制网络还可包括室外照明,为夜间工作人员提供安全和安全,同时最大限度地降低运行成本。      HarvesTIng energy from the environment to power control pads with sensors and wireless links to the lighTIng system can provide ulTImate flexibility to place the pads exactly where they will be used most effecTIvely. This allows office designers and facilities managers to provide the most effective and ergonomic environment, improving the quality of light in the office at the same time as reducing costs.   Using energy harvesting also eliminates the need to replace batteries in the control pads, which, with more and more pads being used, can be an expensive activity. Of course the lights are mostly powered by the mains but the reduction of the power consumption of microcontrollers and wireless transceivers from the latest process technology brings the energy requirements of the connected control pad down to the point where the power can be provided from the environment.