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您现在的位置是:团子下载站 > 电子元器件应用 > 摩托罗拉MPC755和MPC745 PowerPC微处理器特

摩托罗拉MPC755和MPC745 PowerPC微处理器特

  • 资源大小:511
  • 上传时间:2021-07-10
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:50次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: mpc745 MPC755 摩托罗拉

资 源 简 介

MPC755 and MPC745 PowerPC microprocessors are high-performance, low-power, 32-bit implementaTIons of the PowerPC Reduced InstrucTIon Set Computer (RISC) architecture, specially enhanced for embedded applicaTIons. MPC755 and MPC745 microprocessors differ only in that the MPC755 features an enhanced, dedicated L2 cache interface with on-chip L2 tags. The MPC755 is a drop-in replacement for the award winning PowerPC 750™ microprocessor and is footprint and user software code compaTIble with the MPC7400 microprocessor with AltiVec™ technology. The MPC745 is a drop-in replacement for the PowerPC 740™ microprocessor and is also footprint and user software code compatible with the PowerPC 603e™ microprocessor. MPC755/745 microprocessors provide on-chip debug support and are fully JTAG-compliant.