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无线传感器网络的能量收集   无线传感器网络如果要达到其在野外的目标,就需要仔细注意电源管理。将能量收集技术集成到设计中,对于解决这个问题有很大的帮助。   增加功率和吝啬的传感器的性能,微控制器和射频收发器是无线传感器网络的动力完全或能量收集技术的补充提高的潜力。超低功耗无线协议开始得到广泛的业界认可,标准正在积极开发中。传感器网络脱离电源,或电池供电,可靠性更高的可能性,降低维护成本,提高了安全性,和广泛的部署。   只有几年前不可想象的应用在能量收集技术中是可能的。新的可用的电源管理产品可以将不方便,间歇常常微乎其微的各种能量采集传感器输出(热电发电机、光电、压电体、电磁学)转化为可用的功率为现代电子。利用这些电源管理设备来指定、分析和设计新的方法,充分利用各自的能量传感器元件和传感器网络电子设备的能力是必不可少的。      Wireless sensors are not new, making them semi — or fully autonomous through the use of energy harvesTIng techniques requires the proper selecTIon and design of energy transducers and power management devices. A typical wireless remote sensor node is shown in Figure 1. To date, the missing link in this system has been the power management soluTIon. The transducers available to provide power are often very inconvenient to work with — producing a very low voltage, low impedance output or a very high voltage, high impedance output. The various elements in this system can be further broken down into power producers/regulators (transducer and power management) and power users (everything else)。 If the energy harvesTIng average output power capability exceeds the average power required by the remote sensor electronics, then you have the possibility for an autonomous system.