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  • 上传时间:2021-06-20
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  • 标      签: CRI 固态照明 led

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为固态照明下的A类颜色   LED制造商的特点,从他们的产品发出的光,使用行业公认的参数,如显色指数(CRI)和相关色温(CCT)。CRI认为光质量和CCT是源感知温度的量度。这些措施使照明工程师选择轻引擎,将吸引消费者寻找取代低效的白炽灯泡,高效和持久的照明。   然而,新的研究声称,CRI和CCT是不够的,真正的特点,用于固态照明(SSL)的LED。相反,被称为“A类颜色”,它结合了CRI和CCT与色域面积指数(盖)已被认为是一个优越的选择(盖是衡量饱和度和强度)。研究的结论是,百分之75的消费者认为,A类彩色光源提供最佳的色彩渲染和最佳饱和度。   本文解释了盖是什么,以及它如何补充CRI和CCT强调A类颜色的概念。然后,文章将探讨如何领先的制造商正在纳入一流的颜色到他们的最新产品。      Characterizing LEDs   It makes little difference whether domesTIc or office lighTIng is supplied by tradiTIonal light sources such as incandescent, fluorescent or halogen, or more modern SSL; the consumer has strong views on the “quality” of the illuminaTIon. Their viewpoint varies depending on the location: in offices, for example, workers are more accepting of relatively harsh, “bluish” light because it makes it easier to read documents and work in front of a computer screen, but at home, a softer, warm illumination is often preferred because it aids relaxation.