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Freescale QorIQ communicaTIons platforms are the next-generaTIon evoluTIon of our leading PowerQUICC communicaTIons processors. The P1022 family of processors, a Freescale Energy-Efficient product solution, is designed to deliver complex application processing performance with exceptional feature integration and high-speed connectivity for IP networking and advanced media processing applications. It combines dual e500 processor cores, built on Power Architecture® technology, with enhanced system peripherals and interconnect technology to balance processor performance with I/O system throughput. The P1022 processor includes advanced power and energy management features that enable developers to design next-generation embedded Internet media processing applications with energy efficiency levels under the environmental and governmental energy regulatory requirements. The P1013 single-core processor includes the same family of system peripherals, interconnect technology and advanced power and energy management features. Highlights Dual-Core Processing The pace of technology development, spurred by the Internet and ubiquitous connectivity, is putting additional challenges on design engineers building state-of-the-art embedded appliances or equipment. The P1022 provides the designer exceptional flexibility for leveraging symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing strategies to reach nearly two gigahertz equivalent single-core performance in ultra-low-power envelopes. Equally important are the robust operating systems and tool support to streamline designers’ adoption of dual-core processing available on the P1022 through Freescale and Freescale partners.