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Low Power,远程,ISM无线测量节点

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  • 上传时间:2021-09-01
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  • 浏览次数:51次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: Low ISM Power

资 源 简 介

Low Power,远程,ISM无线测量节点   一种低功耗无线传感器节点不必是短程或复杂的。本文介绍了一种简单、廉价的双芯片解决方案。   理想情况下,无线测量节点具有功耗低、范围广、易于连接到不同传感器的特点。通过三个模拟设备,公司部分的组合,与<70μ平均电流消耗智能测量节点,射程近1公里(自由空间),和数据率传输/分钟是可以实现的,同时还保持一个16位的ADC性能(见图1)。这使得电路适用于电池供电以及自动化和遥感等应用。      Figure 1: Low-power, long range, ISM wireless measurement node (simplified schemaTIc: all connecTIons and decoupling not shown)。   The ADuC7060 precision analog microcontroller has a low-power ARM7 core as well as a myriad of precision analog funcTIons. The onboard mulTIplexer, digitally programmable gain amplifier (PGA), voltage reference, programmable current sources, and 24-bit sigma-delta ADC allow almost any temperature and bridge sensors to be directly connected. In this case, a four-wire Pt100 (100 Ω platinum RTD) temperature sensor was chosen. Further details on the measuring circuit can be found in the AN-0970 Application Note.   The system consists of a low-power temperature measurement node that wakes once a minute, measures temperature, transmits this measurement at 10 kbps to the base node, and returns to sleep. The base node continuously listens for a package from the measurement node and sends this information to the PC via the UART for display in HyperTerminal.