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直流调速系统数字控制的兴起   传统上,开关直流变换器(电压调节器)采用模拟技术控制,因为这些实现简单,并有助于最大限度地提高电源的效率。数字元件太慢,功率太大,难以挑战模拟优势。   然而,在过去的几年里,高速、低功耗和廉价硅的引入重新点燃了人们对“数字电源管理”的兴趣。   有了这些新的芯片,设计师们热衷于利用等特点,易于数字控制使电源优化适应的闭环响应–甚至允许调整的“苍蝇”,以适应经营环境的变化等因素或补偿容性负载和元件老化。   本文通过比较模拟电源及其数字等效电路,认为数字电源给电压调节器带来的好处。文章接着描述了一些主要供应商发布的一些最新的数字调节器,它们充分利用了所讨论的控制技术。      Control vs. efficiency   Efficiency is a criTIcal design parameter of power supply engineering. In a simple switching step-down (“buck”) converter for a portable device, for example, the designer wants to lower the battery voltage to a level suitable for sensiTIve silicon but not waste any valuable millivolts in the process. Lossless conversion is impossible, but careful design can see modern switching buck regulators with better than 90 percent efficiency.   Linear Technology, for example, offers the LTC3549, a 2.25 MHz buck regulator for portable applicaTIons. The device provides 250 mA output current (with an input voltage of 1.8 V and an output voltage of 1.2 V) and claims an efficiency of up to 93 percent.