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  • 资源大小:0.20 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-07-22
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  • 浏览次数:42次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 氮化镓 发光二极管 led

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LED材料在住宅领域的目标成本敏感替代应用   在硅(氮化镓硅)发光二极管上的氮化镓有望成为降低LED价格的关键,足以扭转成本敏感的住宅市场的潮流。正在进行的研究工作开始产生成果,而使用传统的蓝宝石蓝宝石材料的制造商也成功地降低了成本。   本文将概述硅在GaN的最新发展,以及它的潜力,利用高容量,更大的晶圆尺寸,半导体加工技术,以提供更低的生产成本。在英国,普列斯半导体是使用氮化镓上硅晶片LED第一生产商。Cree公司,同时,是一个先驱在GaN对SiC材料的LED市场。他们最新的TW(真白)系列LED灯泡正在美国设定标准。   我们将审查公司包括Cree、ROHM、和LEDdynamics选择一些基于LED的更换灯泡、灯管,针对改造市场在住宅领域。      Figure 1: Left: Cree’s latest TW 60 W bulb replacement uses GaN on SiC LEDs. Right: LEDdynamics’ EverLED TR range of LED replacement tubes incorporaTIng Philips Lumileds Luxeon LEDs.   Commercial advantage vs. technical challenge   Gallium Nitride (GaN) has been commonly used for LEDs since the 1990s. Its hardness, heat capacity, and thermal conducTIvity properTIes were criTIcal for the development of the high brightness, daylight visible, color, and white devices in widespread use today. Yet despite the compelling features of LEDs, unit costs remain a barrier in some consumer sectors. The huge attraction of developing Gallium Nitride on Silicon substrates for LED chips is to reduce production costs. According to market research company, Lux Research, in a recent report,¹ material costs of GaN on Si represent just one-eighth of those of traditional sapphire substrates.