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  • 标      签: 嵌入式开发 无线 射频

资 源 简 介

射频波段无线嵌入式开发者协议的选择   多年来,连接嵌入式设备唯一实用的方法是使用线,还有大量的有线互连方案。硅的先进性和新的射频协议使得使用多种无线方式连接设备既可能也实用。事实上,现在有这么多的无线选择,你可能会发现很难决定你的应用程序的正确选择。本文中的简单分析可能有助于指出正确的方向。   开始无线选择只需要几个标准。距离、成本和功耗可能是大多数设计的最重要的标准。从远处,你可以从无线协议,如蓝牙和ZigBee®®进行交叉只有几米用极低的功率选择;802.11的Wi-Fi协议,轻松地跨越了几十米,直接利用无处不在的互联网基础设施,可以进行全世界的数据;和蜂窝无线通信开发在全球移动电话的基础设施和可携带公里无线数据达到第一个手机塔。下表为适合嵌入式设计的各种无线协议提供了一些基本的选择标准。      Some of these wireless protocols, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, are familiar in everyday objects such as mobile phones and laptop computers. Because these wireless protocols are in widespread use in consumer products that ship in the hundreds of millions, they’ve become a familiar part of everyday life, and the RF modules needed to implement these protocols have become surprisingly inexpensive. Other wireless protocols, such as the ISM (industrial, scienTIfic, and medical) designaTIon take some explaining. The following are brief summaries of each of the wireless standards listed above: