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  • 资源大小:661
  • 上传时间:2022-01-03
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:26次
  • 资源积分:1积分
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资 源 简 介

对于负反馈电路内部输入及输出电阻参数计算,经典方法及其公式未能反映外部信号源及负载参数的影响。依据反馈控制模型和电路理论定理,经数学证明得到一组新式。新式包容有经典式并将之作为外参数不变的特例,二者间相容性的讨论进一步论证新式的正确性。分析结论表明:负反馈电路外部参数变化直接影响其内部参数表达,并因此加强电路的调整功能。因此,可推断这些新式特性应是一般反馈系统的共同属性。 Abstract:  For the negaTIve feedback circuit within the parameters of input and output resistance of the calculaTIon method, the classical formula fails to reflect the external signal source and load parameters. By feedback control based on model and circuit theory theorem, after a mathemaTIcal proof, the author got a new set of formulas. The new formula includes the classic formula exists, and uses it as a special case outside the parameters constant, discussion of the compaTIbility between the two is further proof of the correctness of the new formula. Analysis conclusions indicate that: the external parameter of negative feedback circuit changes within the parameters that directly affect their expression and thus enhance the adjustment function of the circuit. Authors conclude that these new features found in the general feedback system should be the common property.