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  • 上传时间:2021-12-24
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  • 标      签: 峰值检测器 硬件

资 源 简 介

硬件与软件权衡。第2部分:峰值检测器   编者按:这是一个典型的架构决策:它的功能是在硬件中实现,以及在软件中实现。这两部分系列的第1部分着眼于使用比较器作为设计的考虑和权衡。在第2部分中,我们将使用峰值检测器作为示例。   正如本系列文章的第1部分所述,人们常常认为软件是实现核心功能的简单方法,尽管基于硬件的解决方案通常是更好的方法。   在给定的情况下,达到“最佳”答案需要设计者考虑许多设计因素和性能目标之间的权衡。本文将从峰值检测器的角度探讨硬件与软件决策,同时提供一些示例。      Defining the peak detector funcTIon   Like comparators, peak detectors are a basic circuit building block for many real-world signal processing applicaTIons. Peak detecTIon determines that a signal has passed its peak value and signals the system to indicate this occurrence. They can be used to mark the presence of valid pulses within a conTInuous stream, capture radar signal returns, monitor heart pulses, or to indicate a new maximum such as in data from oscillations (buildings swaying due to an earthquake)。   Before designing a peak detector, it’s important to be very clear about the objectives of the project, as there is some overlap and ambiguity in terminology. First, there’s a maximum signal detector, which captures the maximum value of a signal indefinitely, until a new maximum occurs (Figure 1)。   An example might be a sensor that is tracking the maximum shock to which a package in transit is subjected. The lesser shocks are not of interest; only that maximum is of concern.