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  • 上传时间:2021-12-13
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  • 标      签: Mesh 照明控制 led

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Mesh网络有助于节约能源通过智能LED在家居照明控制   节能可以通过切换到LED照明在家里是众所周知的。它已被广泛记录,低功耗,高效率的LED灯具可以降低功耗超过80%时相比,传统的来源,如卤素和白炽灯。不太好理解的是,智能照明控制可以刮掉更多的电费账单。智能控制功能,通过传感器和无线网络,包括自动调光和关闭灯在无人的房间。   智能照明控制的市场,越来越多地被安装作为家庭自动化系统的一部分,被认为是一个巨大的机会,在更广泛的物联网(物联网)运动。然而,市场增长的关键是灵活和灵活的配置和安装,以及成本低,投资回报快。   本文将考虑一些适用于国内应用的控制策略和无线网络协议,专注于新的替代方案,建立ZigBee光链路。这些包括专有的协议,如线程和csrmesh技术。      Figure1: A typical intelligent home lighTIng system using both Wi-Fi and ZigBee technology, retrofittable using wireless technology and controllable via a smartphone or tablet. (Source: ChipSip)   ZigBee benefits   For some years, ZigBee Light Link has been regarded as the protocol of choice for smart lighTIng in the home, and has begun to amass a sizeable installed base. ZigBee has a number of advantages over alternaTIve network strategies for home automaTIon. It is established, proven, well supported and dedicated to low power sensing and control applications that demand low latency. Importantly, it is designed to support a mesh network topology, allowing alternative routes between controllers and nodes. This is essential for a flexible and scalable system, such as domestic lighting, that requires centralized, automatic, and programmable controls, as well as remote and manual ‘point’ controls.