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  • 上传时间:2021-12-04
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  • 标      签: 可穿戴 电池 微控制器

资 源 简 介

在可穿戴设计中延长电池寿命   他身打扮市场蓬勃发展。数据聚合门户网站StaTIsta,指出全球市场的价值将超过70亿美元,今年126亿美元的2018。   虽然潜在的回报很高,但这不是一个容易进入的市场。设计智能手表或健身手镯是艰难的,消费者期望大量的功能,智能手机连接,紧凑型的因素,重量轻,电池寿命长。高度集成化、超低功耗微处理器和无线芯片的引入缓解了设计过程,但挤出所有电池的功率仍然是可穿戴产品成功的关键。   本文以如何帮助服饰设计师芯片供应商提供节能显示延长电池的寿命,一看,微控制器(MCU),硅收音机和电源管理芯片专为超低功耗应用。      Convergence of technology   Wearables have sprung to the fore because of the convergence of three key technologies1. Ultra-low-power chips that can run from watch batteries allow companies to offer compact products which, thanks to smartphone-compaTIble wireless technology such as Bluetooth Smart(also known as Bluetooth low energy), communicate seamlessly with smartphones and tablets. A range of inexpensive apps presents the informaTIon gleaned from the wearable in a user-friendly format indicaTIng, for example, how long the user needs to exercise to lose weight. A recent leading-edge wearable is adidas’ Fit Smart wristband tracker which incorporates Bluetooth Smart technology from Nordic Semiconductor (Figure 1).