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  • 标      签: 示波器探头 示波器 电路

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理解、选择和使用无源示波器探头   编者按:探针连接示波器的输入来测试被测设备(DUT)点。有很多类型,包括:高阻抗无源,低电容,单端有源,差分有源,高电压,电流探头。这是一系列关于探针选择和应用的三篇文章中的第一篇,将重点放在被动探头上。第2部分和第3部分分别讨论有源探针和电流探针。   无源探头提供了一种将示波器连接到正在测试的设备或电路的好方法。他们是低成本的,可靠的,并提供合理的信号完整性时使用的知识。本文将从操作理论出发,通过基本的调整和使用来探讨被动探针。介绍了影响正确测量的无源探针的特性,以期了解这些器件最有效的应用。   Oscilloscopes通常提供50 W或1 mW输入终端。50 W终止通常使用匹配的同轴电缆连接到50瓦特采购电路元件。这导致了高质量互连,最小信号失真。使用1毫瓦输入端连接到具有较高源阻抗的电路。这种连接可以通过几种方式,直接使用电缆或X1探头,或者使用高阻抗探头(图1)。      Figure 1: Simplified circuit comparing a direct connecTIon (a) and the use of a high impedance probe (b) to connect a signal to an oscilloscope’s 1 MW input. (Image source: Digi-Key Electronics)   The 1 MW input also includes a shunt capacitance of from 15 to 25 pF. With a direct connecTIon, the unmatched cable adds an addiTIonal 10 to 30 picofarads (pF) per foot of cable length. In a typical situaTIon with a three-foot-long cable, the load at the probe end of the cable is 1 MW with a parallel capacitance of approximately 90 pF (Figure 1a)。 For low-frequency measurements, the capacitive loading is negligible. For instance, at 1 kHz the capacitive reactance is about 1.8 MW. However, for higher frequency signals, the effects can be very bad. At 100 MHz, the capacitive reactance is reduced to about 18 W, which will attenuate the signal significantly.