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您现在的位置是:团子下载站 > 通信网络 > 基于ARM9的电力智能终端通信软件设计


  • 资源大小:121
  • 上传时间:2021-11-13
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:47次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 电力智能

资 源 简 介

本文采用目前广泛应用的工业以太网为通讯方式,提出以ARM9 开发板和 MIZI Linux嵌入式操作系统为平台的通信设计方案。在掌握ARM9 和 MIZI Linux 特点的基础上,构建MIZI Linux 嵌入式操作系统下应用程序的软硬件开发平台。本方案采用DM9000 芯片来控制以太网,在实现通讯模块调用的基础上,进行Linux 下的Socket 网络通信编程,实现智能终端的以太网通信功能。关键词:智能终端;以太网;MIZI Linux 嵌入式操作系统Abstract: The design scheme based on ARM9 development board and MIZI Linux embeddedoperation system was given according to the character of intelligent terminals. The software andhardware development platform of MIZI Linux embedded operation system was built. Theterminal used the DM9000 chip to control Ethernet communication. After the communicationmodule was used successfully, socket network program was programmed in Linux. Then theintelligent terminal’s Ethernet communication function was realized.Keywords: intelligent terminal; Ethernet; MIZI Linux Embedded OS