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What You Need to Know to Choose an Accelerometer

  • 资源大小:0.22 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-10-29
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:86次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 机电 加速器

资 源 简 介

What You Need to Know to Choose an Accelerometer   简单地说,加速器是一种机电装置,用来测量重力或运动随时间而引起的速度变化或加速度的变化。无论是传感方向和振动,还是检测到它附着的物体的运动速度,选择加速度计都需要考虑多种因素。   加速度计有着广泛的应用。当用于航空航天时,高灵敏度的加速度计被用作惯性导航系统部件。在工业环境中,他们经常检测和监测旋转机械的振动。我们日常生活中最熟悉的是我们的平板电脑、数码相机、游戏和智能手机,以确保屏幕图像处于直立状态。   那么,你怎么知道选择哪种加速度计呢?有很多问题要回答,从你的设计要求开始:   你需要模拟还是数字?   你需要单轴还是多轴?   挥杆水平是多少?   你需要高度敏感还是中档?   什么样的带宽?   你检查过阻抗和缓冲吗?      The choice between analog and digital is dictated by the hardware used. Analog accelerometers have an output that is a conTInuous voltage proporTIonal to the acceleraTIon. Digital accelerometers typically use pulse width modulaTIon so that there is a square wave at a certain frequency. In this case, the time period of high voltage is proportional to the amount of acceleration.   The question becomes, what are you using in your design? A BASIC Stamp module from Parallax or a microcontroller with digital inputs will require a digital output accelerometer; when using a completely analog-based circuit, analog is usually the best choice.