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  • 资源大小:224
  • 上传时间:2021-10-26
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:40次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: VxWorks PC

资 源 简 介

目前,嵌入式设备的开发越来越受到重视,嵌入式产品的应用越来越广泛。在开发过程所采用的操作系统中,VxWo&s是比较受欢迎的一种。而开发设备驱动程序是开发嵌入式系统一个很困难的工作,因为程序员必须十分清楚硬件设备信息,还要小心处理诸如定时控制等复杂部分。本文描述了在实时操作系统VxWo~s下开发设备驱动程序,以及如何配置PCI总线设备等方面的研究。 Today,great research eforts have been paid to the embedded devices which are employed in many fields.Among the operaTIng systems in the development,VxWo~s becomes very popular. While wriTIng device drivers is one of the most dificult tasks to develop orport operaTIng systems. Programmers of device driver must know informaTIon about hardware such as specifications of devices and carefully describe complexparts such as timing contro1. This paper presents some researches in writing device drivers and how to configure PCI devices in the real—time operating system,VxWo~s.