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电源模块结合效率与Low Noise输出

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  • 上传时间:2021-09-09
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  • 标      签: Noise Low 电源模块

资 源 简 介

电源模块结合效率与Low Noise输出   开关直流/直流转换器(‘regulators”)很受欢迎,因为他们的高效率和灵活性。这些电源可以升压(升压),降压(降压),并轻松地反转电压。然而,开关操作产生的电压和电流纹波会影响敏感芯片并引起其他电磁干扰(EMI)挑战。   一个解决办法是优化PCB设计,尽量减少寄生电感和电容,并设计滤波器电路,以尽量减少电压和电流纹波。然而,这需要技巧和时间。另一种技术是使线性调节器与开关调节器串联工作,以平滑后者的输出,并提供稳定的电压输出,适合于低电压的电子设备。然而,这种方法还需要仔细设计并考虑元件选择,以使两个调节器协调工作而不损害效率。   现在,硅供应商已经推出了将两种电源集成到一个芯片中的模块,从而简化了设计任务。更好的是,这些模块允许工程师直接从开关转换器或线性调节器输出,以及组合输出,因此增加了模块的灵活性。本文概述了这些“混合”电压调节器的好处,并描述了一些商业上可用的例子。      Hybrid power   Switching regulators are efficient and flexible, but there is a trade-off. The chips are relaTIvely expensive, take up more space than other power supplies, and have a relaTIvely slow transient response to load variances. AddiTIonally, the design-in process is challenging, and minimizing voltage and current ripples in the output voltage is TIme consuming (see the TechZone article “Conducted and Radiated Emissions Reduction Techniques for Power Modules”)。   It is no surprise that linear regulators remain a popular alternative. These devices do not incorporate a switching device so there are no problems with ripple or EMI. Instead, a linear regulator produces a stable, noise-free output (see the TechZone article “Linear Regulators Drive Noise Down”)。 Moreover, the devices are cheap, compact, and relatively simple to integrate into a design. Unfortunately, linear regulators are not particularly efficient unless the difference between input and output voltage is small, and they can only be used in a buck configuration (see the TechZone article “Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Linear Regulators”)。